Monday, January 28, 2008

Peace doodle

Hello -

This little doodle was just something I did for fun. I was working on another painting and needed a break so I started drawing and came up with this. Hope your day is Peaceful.


Friday, January 11, 2008

Look At Me! Old Photos

Not really at ME!! LoL But look here:
It's a cool site: "LOOK AT ME is a collection of found photos.
These photos were either lost, forgotten, or thrown away. The images now are nameless, without connection to the people they show, or the photographer who took them. Maybe someone died and a relative threw away their photographs; maybe someone thought they were trash.
Some of the photos were found on the street. Some were stacked in a box, bought cheap at a flea market. Showing off or embarrassed, smug, sometimes happy, the people in these photos are strangers to us. They can't help but be interesting, as stories with only an introduction."

I've always loved old photos and look for them when I go to antique stores and fairs. I like to think about the memories they hold. They remind me of our family photos and special times we've shared. I hope you get a smile from these and please let me know if you find a long lost relative among them.

Monday, January 7, 2008

WIP work in progress

Edit:Here is finished froggie...
Today I thought I would share with you a new "paint" brush that I made in Photo Shop. It acts like a water color brush by letting you layer on the "paint". Using this new brush makes it easier to layer on paint colors. You are able to see where the paint is lighter and darker and so it seems more like painting with real water colors - only not as messy. lol
see sample below for a close up look at some different colors....
I'm having lots of fun with this brush and now that I've practiced a little with it I'm sure I can come up with a better example of a wc painting. Not that my frog isn't cute!
Thanks for taking a peek at what's on my easel today.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Slideshow 2007

Here is a slideshow for your enjoyment~ ~ From my family to yours!