Thursday, December 4, 2008

Edward and Bella KISS!!

If you LOVE Twilight like I do here is one of the best scenes from the movie!

Ohhhhh E D W A R D. . .

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Edward saves Bella

This is an AWESOME clip of Twilight. It's really short but it shows more of EdWaRd and BeLLa!! Don't you LOVE his voice? Don't you love THAT FACE?!?

I can't wait to see it!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

FUN game for you!

Here is a fun little game for you to play. It's kinda like the old PacMan game.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10 ways to Look Fab!

I saw these tips on Photojojo and I thought it would be a good idea to share them here since I happen to be one of those shy, prefer to hide behind my camera type photographers. LOL

here is a link to their site :

and here are the Ten Ways To Look Fabulous in Pictures

The photographer’s worst nightmare: being hauled out from behind the lens and forced to stand in front of a camera.
Why must people photograph us? Yes, photographers are adorable, and yes, we have unparalleled style. But we are shy, and we prefer to hide behind our cameras like frightened woodland creatures behind large trees.
Still, people do insist on taking our pictures. So, what to do when you can’t avoid being photographed? Stand tall and follow our tips for instant photogenicity.

There are approximately a kajillion tricks, tips and gimmicks that are supposed to make you look great when the shutter clicks. Having combed through most of those, we’ve condensed it to the ones that actually work.
1. Dress Nice
If you know you’re going to be photographed, don’t wear horizontal stripes or crazy patterns. Opt for neutral colors over bright ones unless you are one hundred percent certain that color looks great on you.
2. Check the Mirror
Do a last-minute check of your face: cover up any pimples, put drops in your eyes if they’re red, and make sure you don’t have food in your teeth.
3. Don’t Shine
If you’ve been sweating or if your face is greasy, make sure to wipe your face. Use oil-blotting papers if you wear makeup, or blot with a slightly damp paper towel.
In a pinch, wipe your face with your sleeve before venturing in front of the camera.
4. Stand Up Right
Slouching makes you look nonchalant, but it also makes you look short and/or dumpy.
Place one foot behind the other, and lean back just a little bit. You’ll still look relaxed, but you’ll also look tall.
5. Twist It Up
Stand facing slightly away from the camera, then twist at the waist to face the camera. Make it subtle- if you overdo it you’ll look like a stray from a beauty pageant.
6. Stretch Your Neck
Turn your head slightly away from the camera, extend your neck, then tilt your head down. Your face will look thinner and you won’t have a double chin.
7. Flee the Flash
Avoid the unforgiving bare flash at all costs. If you can’t get around it, search your pockets for a translucent candy or gum wrapper and put it over the flash to diffuse it.
8. Choose Your Light
If you can choose when and where you’ll be photographed, pick an outdoor shoot in the morning or late afternoon. The light is more flattering at those times.
If you have to be photographed in the middle of the day, stand in the shade.
9. Watch Where You Stand
An interesting background will make you look more interesting too. Choose a pretty outdoor scene to stand in front of, or look for a wall with interesting texture or colors. Avoid standing in front of plain or drab backgrounds.
Of course, if you can’t find a pretty location, you can always stand next to someone ugly. You’ll look great by comparison. (Just kidding. Or are we?)
10. Meditate for a Moment
Ask the photographer to count to three before taking the picture. Close your eyes and breathe in. Then, just before the shutter clicks, breathe out, open your eyes and smile. Your face will look relaxed and your smile will be real.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Isn't this an ART blog?

So, I posted the football pix today and then I took a look at my blog and I noticed something......

I noticed that I haven't posted any paintings lately???

wasn't this suppose to be an ART blog?
The title is Kendra's Photo ART....

sOOOoooooo - - - where is it?

Don't hide it away somewhere that no one else can see - put it out there for all the world to see -

And now

for your viewing pleasure.... I give you


Brighten someone's day with the gift of ART.

Football Jamboree 2008!!!

What a weekend we had at the youth football jamboree!
It sure was HOT....
But that didn't seem to stop the Yellow Jackets from playin' some FOOTBALL!!!
Imagine warming up like this....
and this.......
wearing all of this!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Last Lecture

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008) gave this lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. As he prepared for his speech and even while he spoke his words of wisdom he couldn't help repeating to himself the grim prediction his doctors gave just a month before - you have 3 - 6 months of "good health" left. Think about that for a few minutes. . . . .

What if you were told that very same thing today? What would you do? Would you curl up in a ball and wait to die? Would you so bravely go on with life and try to be truly happy - - or could you be strong enough to actually LIVE the rest of your life?

What about your children? Could you go on like life was the same as it has always been -pretending that you weren't about to leave everything that you hold dear - or how unfair it was that you are forced to leave the perfect life you worked so hard to achieve just to give your kids a few more precious months of normalcy... a few more memories of what life was like when Daddy was here.

Some of you may have read or know about his book. You may have seen him on t.v. or heard about his passing but you may not have taken the time to look him up and get to know the generous and wise Randy P. aka the mad hatter - lol. This video is worth every second of your life that you spend watching it - take your time and watch it all the way to the end (you will thank me for it). Spend some time to really think about how it relates to you and your life. Let it help you be a happier person, living in the now.

Here is a link: that you might enjoy if you want to read more from Randy. These are notes from him with updates on his health and pix of him and his family and links to things that he found interesting.

edit: This is the main page with lots of stuff like interviews and links to his book etc.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Inspiration - The Blind painter

Have you seen this? This is inspirational. I find it amazing. Hope you enjoy it!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Self Portrait

This self portrait is of my talented 10 year old daughter. She won a blue ribbon in a local art show. I want to thank her art teacher for encouraging her to enter. She's a little shy about showing off her art (like all of us are at times -lol ) I'm grateful that the school she currently attends has an art program and that her teacher has the energy to put up with 20 or so elementary aged kids with open jars of paint, ink, markers and clay!

Spend time with your kids...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Painting of the MONTH!!

Copyright 2008©, images may not be used

except with the permission of the Artist

What a nice surprise to have one of my paintings chosen as Painter Talk's – Image of the Month. Thank you Karen! Change is good – featuring a monthly painting (instead of a painter) keeps us interested and on our toes! That is exactly what I was searching for with my art. I wasn't looking to make my style unrecognizable, but I was looking for a way to add to it. I was bored with smudging. It worked for me for a while, but it just wasn't where I wanted to stay. I would like to be able to tell a story like Norman Rockwell with the painting style of Pino. Lofty goal. LOL

The first step in making these changes was to read my art books. I studied the painting styles of artists I love, including some artists from the forums. Reading of other artists' struggles, the changes they made through the years, and the reasons they paint the way they do helped me to see what they tried to say with their art. Why did they use this color next to that one? How did they achieve a certain look? Where were they in life? I wanted their words - not my interpretation of their work.

I work in Painter & Photo Shop, and I love both of them for different reasons. This painting was done totally in PS using two new brushes that I made and a paint splatter brush. The first brush I made paints two colors at the same time. I used it to add thin layers of color, building up either different shades of the same color or two different colors at the same time. The second brush pushes, pulls, smudges, or scratches the paint laid down with the first. It's similar to painting with a palette knife, except it has a brush head. I can use this one, a pressure sensitive brush, for most of my PS paintings. And by changing the size of the brush it's good for just about everything, from painting strands of hair to eyes and even skin. It took some time to get used to this brush, but it has added freedom to my fun!

I will probably have Legs printed on canvas and hang it in my home. I will use it to show clients an example of my work. (Of course anyone who wants to may purchase it.) If anyone needs help making a brush or has questions for me please feel free to send me a message. Thank you Karen (and all of you) for your thoughtfulness & support. Your ability to keep PT fresh helps us continue seeing it with new eyes, and is what keeps us evolving and moving forward.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Check ME Out!!

Have you seen to my sister's photography site lately? Why not?!? She has some really great stuff on there. You will see images of our last Wedding shoot and high impact slide shows. You can take a peek at her pregnancy & newborn sessions or see the lastest High School Senior (she's hot!) She does Intimate portraiture and birthday parties. Her lastest blog is about ME!!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gallery Showing!

O.K. So it's not a REAL gallery showing but I can dream can't I? ~ I see You!

These are just a coulple of my latest images that I wanted to share with you. These were just for fun and painted in Photo Shop.

Thanks for looking.

Friday, March 28, 2008


A few thoughts...

*gas is approaching $4 a gallon - - - five years in a war with no end in sight... 4,000 americans are dead....

$177 million dollars PER DAY being spent in Iraq.
~ new orleans is still a wreck ~

...U.S. Dollar at record low.foreclosure crisis of unprecedented levels. unemployment increasing rapidly.

after eight years of doing nothing - "mission accomplished"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bareback Ridin'

You will LOVE this even if you've seen it before. Isn't this a great song?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Guess what time it is?


Creative Freedom

Please take a few minutes of your time to listen to what Larry Lessig has to say about our creative freedom, celestial copyrights and how our children view the property laws. His homage to cutting-edge artistry has some of the most hilarious remixes I've ever seen!!

EDIT: I tried to put the video here but it takes a looooong time to load - so please click on the link below and watch it there. Thanks!

click here to visit his site and watch his talk.

Here is a 1 min. video that I found on YouTube of just one of the remixes from his talk:

Monday, January 28, 2008

Peace doodle

Hello -

This little doodle was just something I did for fun. I was working on another painting and needed a break so I started drawing and came up with this. Hope your day is Peaceful.


Friday, January 11, 2008

Look At Me! Old Photos

Not really at ME!! LoL But look here:
It's a cool site: "LOOK AT ME is a collection of found photos.
These photos were either lost, forgotten, or thrown away. The images now are nameless, without connection to the people they show, or the photographer who took them. Maybe someone died and a relative threw away their photographs; maybe someone thought they were trash.
Some of the photos were found on the street. Some were stacked in a box, bought cheap at a flea market. Showing off or embarrassed, smug, sometimes happy, the people in these photos are strangers to us. They can't help but be interesting, as stories with only an introduction."

I've always loved old photos and look for them when I go to antique stores and fairs. I like to think about the memories they hold. They remind me of our family photos and special times we've shared. I hope you get a smile from these and please let me know if you find a long lost relative among them.

Monday, January 7, 2008

WIP work in progress

Edit:Here is finished froggie...
Today I thought I would share with you a new "paint" brush that I made in Photo Shop. It acts like a water color brush by letting you layer on the "paint". Using this new brush makes it easier to layer on paint colors. You are able to see where the paint is lighter and darker and so it seems more like painting with real water colors - only not as messy. lol
see sample below for a close up look at some different colors....
I'm having lots of fun with this brush and now that I've practiced a little with it I'm sure I can come up with a better example of a wc painting. Not that my frog isn't cute!
Thanks for taking a peek at what's on my easel today.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Slideshow 2007

Here is a slideshow for your enjoyment~ ~ From my family to yours!